Dave Martin
California KY - 41007
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(859) 474-5121
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California KY - 41007
(859) 474-5121
Martin Solutions has poured a lot of concrete. This includes residential applications such as patios and sidewalks as well as industrial applications such as slabs for metal fabrication facilities. We have also worked on countless basements to repair and waterproof the foundation and footer. Foundation waterproofing requires excavating the soil away from the foundation so that a waterproofing treatment can be applied to the concrete. It also usually involves the installation of new drainage systems and property backfill procedure. We are your best and most affordable foundation repair and waterproofing basement services in Northern Kentucky. Call Today for an estimate.
There are a lot of basements in Northern Kentucky. Many basements will develop cracks over time and leak water. We have performed foundation repair numerous times for situations such as these. Most repairs involve excavating the exterior of the foundation, applying a sealant to the exterior, backfilling the area with gravel, and installing metal support columns in the interior (when necessary). Following this process, we have left many basement walls straightened, sealed, and watertight. Whether your foundation has a hairline crack or is falling down, contact us for a free estimate on your repair today.
Don’t Stress Martin Solutions Foundation Services uses proven foundation repair techniques to permanently repair any structural problem. Whether you need to stabilize the foundation, raise sinking floors, or straighten the foundation walls, our proven, products offer fast, permanent solutions to your foundation issues. We have over 15 years experience repairing foundations, and waterproofing basements in the Northern Kentucky area.
Our crew regularly performs large-scale concrete pours for our industrial clients as well. These concrete jobs often require several hundred cubic yards of concrete and cover tens of thousands of square feet. They must be designed to withstand the intense demands of industrial use, which usually involves large machinery and extremely heavy loads. We are able to design for these demands and do start-to-finish construction on such projects.
We’ll work with you and coordinate with other contractors to meet deadlines for your project and keep open communication with you every step of the way.
We are committed to providing you with the Best Service Available when it comes to your Residential Construction needs. Contact Us Today to Speak to a Representative.
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